
Hong Kong Theme Park - Noah's Ark

The article is from http://www.hulutrip.com/en/hk-news/hong-kong-theme-park-noah-s-ark.html

Noah's Ark Park and Resort aims to foster family values and teach love, social harmony and care for the environment through interative play and entertainment. Noah's Ark Park consists of Ark Garden, Adventureland, Ark Expo, Ark Life Education House, Treasure House and special Exhibition.
Noah's Ark香港挪亚方舟门票电子票-挪亚方舟正门香港挪亞方舟門票電子票-挪亞方舟 
Ark Garden
Amidst the beautiful greenery, featuring a waterfall, pond and floral landscaping along a dramatic path, 67 pairs of life sized animal sculptures emerge from the Ark, ready to share their joy with you. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture all your favorite animals!
Ark Expo
Walk through the great flood, enjoy the sensory and visual breakthrough of the 4D theatre, and marvel at the beautiful collection of ark models and the largest meteorite ever exhibited in Hong Kong. You’ll be impressed like never before!
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm
(Last entry 5:15pm)
香港挪亚方舟门票电子票-方舟多媒体博览馆全览香港挪亚方舟门票电子票-方舟多媒体博览馆一香港挪亚方舟门票电子票-方舟多媒体博览馆二Treasure House
Bring the kids for a stroll through the Treasure House for a voyage of wisdom. Fifteen discovery galleries on life, culture, science, history, music and much more! The sensory experiences at the Treasure House are certain to stimulate every child’s curiosity and wonder.
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm
(Last entry 5:45pm)
Ark Life Education House
A series of inspiring interactive games, stories and DIY activities let both kids and kids-at-heart have fun appreciating and enjoying life’s beautiful moments!
Opening Hours: 10:00am - 6:00pm
(Last entry 5:45pm)

