To get rid of the pressure brought by work, most men choose to have a wonderful massage. If you happend have the chance to visit Macau, Macau Sauna is the best not only at home but abroad. Macau Sauna Big Boss is located in the casino zone, which can be accessed conveniently.
Sauna Big Boss
Avenida de Praia Grande, No. 613-639
Ph: +853 2855-8877
Ph: +853 2855-8877
GPS Coordinates: N22 degrees, 11.540′, E113 degrees, 32.459′Located near the corner of Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, Sauna Big Boss features one-hour masseuses ranging from $1538-$988 HKD. Big Boss is located near the historical part of the city unlike the others listed above, located in the Casino zone.
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